Tuesday, 5 July 2016

3 Statistics That Can Change Your Marketing Approach In China (…For Ever!)

They say stats speak volume than observations and opinions of even the top experts. So today we bring 3 important statistics that can (and should) change your, or the approach of any good SEO and social media marketer in China for that matter. Here we go…


1.       Negative comments from your fans can tarnish your brand

In a recent survey by Tencent, it came out that 46 per cent of Male social media users and 30 per cent of female users in China don’t hesitate in leaving negative remarks against particular brand. Among many reasons why they would leave downbeat comments, the top one was “feel disgusted” with 76 per cent votes, followed by “disagree with the content” and “poor quality” with each 32.6 per cent and 28 per cent of votes respectively.  

If you really care about your brand image and reputation, you would know exactly how even a single negative comment can impact your business. Leading a cascading affect, the damaging remark will influence others and do exactly opposite of your business goals. 

So, given such a large portion of social media users are open to leave negative comments, you should be extra considerate and thoughtful as to what you post on your profile.

2.       Instant Messaging (IM) services over Social Media platforms

According to CNNIC, in the social application market, Instant Messaging has the highest usage rate of 90.7 per cent, followed by social networking with just 60.7 per cent. 

This clearly suggests that one should spend more of their time and resources marketing their brand, product or service on IMs like WeChat than on social network platforms. Although marketing on Instant Messaging platforms is a rather new thing for rookies, there do exist good B2B social media Asia based agencies that can help you capture the large and untapped consumer market.

3.       Weibo users don’t Interact with friends much comparatively

Given it is a social media platform- the biggest one in China to that- one would think that people use Weibo to make and interact with friends, but that’s not what the recent finding suggests. 

72 per cent of Weibo users use this platform to get trending news, 65.5 per cent to follow interesting contents and 59.7 per cent to get useful knowledge and help. Interestingly, only 38.3 per cent use Weibo to interact with friends.

These numbers mean 3 things- 

·         Your old and outdated posts (contents) are just as good as ‘nothing’.

·         The cliché marketing approach ‘act like their friend’ is no good on Weibo. 

·      Although the margin of difference is small, you are better off engaging your audience with INTERESTING contents than (over) KNOWLEDGEABLE contents.

These three are the important statistics that should (and must) change your digital marketing approach in order to get better conversion and ROI. But in case if you’re still clueless about what these numbers “really means”, we suggests you dial a good SEO and social media marketer in China right away.


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