Tuesday, 26 July 2016

5 Heartbreaking Truths about Social Media Marketing

Sure social media platforms bring in heaps of opportunities for businesses to reach their target audience easily communicate with them and convert without much of the hassle. But it is in this hype that many people tend to overlook some truths- which eventually steer their social media marketing efforts to failure. 

If you’re working to expand your brand’s reach on social platforms like Baidu, Weibo, QQ and Twitter, here are 5 heartbreaking truths you must first know and understand.


1.       Competition on social media platforms is just too much

There are millions of brands on social media websites; many just like yours- offering the same products, services and at the same price tag. And there’s a war going on to capture the audiences’ attention and interest. You need to outstand this crowd to be more visible. 

2.       Popular platforms might not be suitable for your brand

Social media websites like Facebook and Weibo boast the largest user base. However, for your particular business type, they might not be very suitable. And this is something that many brands, with their ‘herd-like’ mentality, don’t want to see and care. If you’re target audience is young, college-going consumers, SnapChat and RenRen must be at the top of your priority list.

3.       Connecting and communicating with the audience is the most difficult part

Even when people start following your brand over social media platforms, communicating with them effectively is quite hard. Keeping them interested all throughout, conveying your message clearly and then converting them- all takes time and consistent effort.

4.       Blindly posting doesn’t help; a definite content strategy is needed

A good social media marketing approach must have a defined content strategy. Just blindly posting irrelevant stuffs, in the name of consistency, does more harm than good. You must be careful about what you’re posting, when you’re posting and how those posts are helping you achieve your business objectives. 

5.       “There is no free lunch”; Social PPC is very important for success

Spending in PPC ads even on social media websites has become a relevant part of marketing practise. Posts that have high return value- with a definite CTA- must be prioritized by the audience. And hence you must be ready to spend a decent amount in social Pay Per Click ads. 

These are the five truths about social media marketing that beginners must know and address in their overall approach. Or better, they should hire the best social media marketing companies for better result.


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