Thursday, 4 August 2016

3 (Non-Dumb) Ways to Champ Renren Advertising for Better ROI

‘Follow the crowd’—this is one of the biggest mistakes rookie marketers ALWAYS make. Overlooking their brands or business type, they try and duplicate the marketing strategies of others in a hope for success. While sometimes this work, most of the times it doesn’t.

A pro rule of marketing world is that what’s working for others might not work for you.

RenRen is a unique Chinese social media platform, still quite relevant among the giants like Weibo and WeChat. It has an audience base and heaps of features that are exclusive to it. So the mentioned ‘pro rule’ applies here with much more precision. To capture this platform, you need innovative and unique-to-your-product RenRen advertising approach. 

Here are 3 simple (and non-dumb) ways to ace RenRen social network with an effective promotional strategy. 

1.       Get rid of conventional approach and be ‘outrageously’ different

RenRen boasts a large and untapped pool of young consumers- the high-schoolers and college-goers. And thousands of brands are trying to bank on them. So, one big priority for you should be to look different from the crowd of these brands with unique and non-conventional marketing efforts, even if you’re offering the same products or services as others. 

These are young consumers, so plan your advertisements accordingly. Get rid of the traditional notion of staying conservative and playing safe. Be ‘outrageous’; push boundaries and try new things. 

2.       Invest big in PPC campaigns

Investing miserly in the PPC campaigns on RenRen social network won’t help. You must mark out a big portion of your advertisement budget for this platform. 

First thing, people in China are likely to respond to paid adverts more positively. So often, decent ROI is guaranteed. Second, investing more in PPC will help your brand reach out to a wider range of audience with your unique campaigns, which will eventually set you apart from the ‘crowd’. 

3.       Never settle; always conduct A/B testing 

Split testing is the lifeline of successful marketing strategy. Experimenting with different things and knowing what’s working and what’s not is very important to improve. So even with RenRen advertisement, you must conduct A/B tests and experiment with different approaches. Segment your target audience in different groups and run individual and different campaigns for better conversion.  

These are the 3 simple ways for the beginners to champ the RenRen social network. However, to see optimum ROI, we suggest you dial professionals.


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